The southern facade of the building is composed of a three-meter wide metal frame that is infilled with glass panels of two opacities. Within this “skin”, all building services are centrally arranged in a logical order. The alternating grid dimensions and the seemingly random glass panels create a facade that look irrational and chaotic. Nevertheless, it is deliberately designed with a rational process. The facade appeared as a grandiose display of scaffolding and the organic composition reflects the desire for spontaneity that is representative in contemporary architecture.
Within the three-meter wide metal structure at the south facade, vertical service elements such as stairs, elevators, air-conditioning and water pipes are centrally located. Void spaces extending from the ground level to the roof increase efficiency of ventilation and insulation. The three-meter wide space and its glass envelope essentially shield the building from heat and expels hot air vertically. The semi-outdoor corridor serves as a horizontal channel that brings fresh air into the building.
垂直性的建築元素,如樓梯、電梯、空調與給水等管線皆集中於南向立面三米寬的鋼構架內。考慮建築的通風換氣及隔熱效果,鋼構架內留有多處挑空風道,配合二種不同穿透性的玻璃構成空氣隔熱層,產生熱對流的垂直通風 ;平面配置上鄰接半戶外走廊,藉由水平通風廊道為建築物注入新鮮空氣。